The South Dakota Department of Transportation (SDDOT), in collaboration with Hutchinson County, Davison County, the City of Mitchell, the City of Parkston, and the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), is developing a corridor study of S.D. Highway 37 between Spruce Street in Mitchell and S.D. Highway 44 in Parkston.  

About the Project

S.D. Highway 37 has experienced increased traffic between Parkston and Mitchell due to increased commercial and residential development and continues to serve significant north-south through traffic in the region.

The SDDOT is currently planning to reconstruct S.D. Highway 37 in Parkston between S.D. Highway 44 and Hutchinson County 22 / 275th Street / West Glynn Drive in 2026 and 2027. In addition to confirming the roadway design for the project through Parkston, the corridor study will also provide guidance for needed improvements along the remainder of S.D. Highway 37 as future development projects and pavement rehabilitation projects are completed.

Objectives of this study include:

Project Limits:

South Dakota Highway 37 Corridor Study Project Limits Map



The S.D. Highway 37 Corridor Study schedule is broken into three phases of work, as follow:

Each phase is concluded with either an Open House (Phases 1 and 2) or release of formal study recommendations (Phase 3). Any construction activities associated with findings from this study are expected to occur no earlier than 2026.

We currently anticipate determining a recommended solution and delivering a final report in spring 2025.

Public Meeting Open House #2

The second public meeting open house was held on Thursday, Dec. 5, 2024:

  • Time: 5:30 PM to 7:30 PM
  • Presentation: 6:30 PM
  • Place: Davison County Fairgrounds Complex  |  3200 W. Havens Ave.  |  Mitchell, SD 57301

Click here to review and comment on the short and long term concept alternatives for the S.D. Highway 37 corridor.

Presentation Slides
Video: Presentation

Concept Drawings:

Public Meeting Open House #2 Presentation


Applicable documents and work products from the study:

City of Mitchell Master Transportation Plan
Davison County Master Transportation Plan
Davison County Comprehensive Plan – 2023
Davison County 5 Year Transportation Plan 2022-2026
SDDOT Strategic Highway Safety Plan
Soybean Processing Plant Traffic Study

The first set of public meeting open houses were held on Feb. 20, 2024, in Parkston and Feb. 21, 2024, in Mitchell. The following information was presented at the public meetings:

Display Boards
Presentation Slides


Video: Presentation
Comment Map

The second public meeting open house was held on Thursday, Dec. 5, 2024, in Mitchell. The following information was presented at the public meeting:

Survey - Review and comment on the short and long term concept alternatives
Display Boards
Presentation Slides

Video: Presentation
Comment Map


Submit comments and questions to the project team.

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Stacy Bartlett (SDDOT)

SDDOT Project Manager

Brian Willham  (HR Green)

Consultant Project Manager
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